Are You Ready for Your First Motorbike?

English-made motorbikes have a long and rich history in the UK, but the thrill of riding a bike was always exclusively known to those who were born with a rider’s heart. It’s not the safest way to travel, but when coupled with the proper gear, no car in existence can quite match up to that unique thrill and style.

As such, many drivers are keen to supplement their own personal fleet of vehicles with a bike. With such an extensive range of different bikes out there, buying a new motorbike is an exhilarating experience.

All that being said, we still live in the real world, and practicality will have to take the lead when you are trying to buy something that costs a good deal of money and needs proper handling to stay safe while riding it. Before you buy your first bike, go through the following checklist and make sure you start off on the right foot, so to speak!

What Will You Use The Bike For?

One of the first considerations you need to make is what you’re going to use the bike for, as this will influence every other aspect of your decision.

After all, if you want the bike to replace your car, then you’ll have a different set of factors to consider when you’re looking for your new bike than someone who wants to ride only on weekends. As such, you need to take the time to review the use you plan on getting from your new bike before you start searching.

You also need to consider your budget. Do you have the money to buy the bike you want? Work out a budget and then review whether or not it is enough. If you don’t have enough money for a new bike, you should review the second-hand options, or consider waiting until you have more disposable income to spend on your motorbike.

What are You Looking for?

We are going to set aside the generic suggestion of buying something within budget because frankly, that’s just common sense! However, the more important and relevant question is, what is it that you want to use your bike for?

Be honest with yourself, as only then can you find the right answer, which is extremely important. Go through the following and choose the option that appeals most to you, instead of trying to make a practical choice:

  • Impression
  • Speed
  • Cruising
  • Profession

If you do not prioritise your main reason for buying your ride, you will end up regretting your decision sooner than you may think. Neither will you be satisfied, nor will it serve the purpose it was supposed to serve. The only thing that will happen is that your wallet will lose weight, further helping the regret foster!

Can You Afford All The Costs Involved?

Owning a motorbike incurs a wide range of costs. Not only will you have to buy the vehicle in the first place, but you’ll also have to insure it, tax it and maintain it.

You also have to find a secure space to store the bike, and a garage to fix it whenever anything goes wrong with your new bike.

Explore the cost of replacement parts for your bike, as well as the rough costs for storage, tax and insurance. You should also review the miles per gallon that the bike does, that you can create a rough estimate for the budget you will need to run and maintain it. Once you know how much it will cost you to run and maintain the bike throughout the year, you can explore whether or not a bike is a cost-effective option for you.

Can You Get a Better Deal?

Comparing the price of motorbikes is easy these days, but you should take both the online and offline quotes to see if you can’t find a better deal.

With so many sellers offering the same makes and models, you need to review all the options on the market before you come to a decision. Check out the second-hand market and the new bikes on offer, and then think about which option is best for you.

You should also compare motorbike insurance policies too, which you can do from your smartphone right now on Quotezone. It’s a website that’s connected to dozens of the top bike insurance providers within the UK. You can save money by getting multiple quotes and going with the best one; something that makes it super easy to compare motorbike insurance premiums and policies from anywhere, at any time.

Research and Find Out More

Given that we are talking about your first new bike, you probably have a few people around to advise on the purchase, but here’s the kicker; what they say is just a reflection of their own needs and experiences, and if you want to create an experience of your own as a rider, you need to make your own selection.

Don’t purchase your first bike based off of someone else’s concept of riding. However, knowledge and advice is still key here, because how else will you learn about what options you have, and which models are worth considering?

If you have a friend or relative that can discuss the benefits of certain models of bike, then talk to them about it to get first-hand insight. Alternatively, review biking forums and social media pages on the internet to find out more about what experienced riders think about your choice of bike and whether or not you’re making the right decision.

Read about the models and makes you like, see user reviews and create a comparative list of the best options. Don’t forget to give them each a spin at the showroom first, instead of just settling after the online researches. As you ride a bike, it should feel right to you, because that’s what matters the most. Use the wisdom of others and avoid mistakes they made, but do not let the decision of others become yours.