5 Reasons why Electric Bikes are better than Cars for Commuting

We live in a modern age in which we live a fast-paced lifestyle that requires appropriate solutions to appropriate situations. Thus, modern time gives us solutions that we should use every day and not avoid them even though they exist. This also means that we should abandon some of the habits we have and abandon some of the old solutions and apply the novelties that have been worked on. You know, some of the old habits and solutions are not the best for us and that is why we need to change and change the habits with us, so let’s change everything that is not good together.


Some of the habits we have are not good for us or the environment. For example, recently a growing number of cities and countries around the world have problems with environmental pollution, but also with air pollution, which is a huge threat to human health. Thus, in order to overcome these bad conditions, solutions and projects that would change that were considered, and some of them have already been reached. One solution is to switch to petrol or diesel vehicles and switch to electric drives. For this reason, for example, electric bicycles were invented, which are great for making the appropriate replacement in transport habits.


The electric bicycle is the innovation of the new age. It is a system that is composed of electric drive, ie it collects electricity which is then released while driving. You pedal when you are on this type of bike, and with each turn, the bike gives you extra power in proportion to the one you give with the revs. The harder you spin, the more the bike adds and the faster you are. This principle of operation of this bike, in addition to helping to reduce air pollution, is also a suitable replacement for cars that also have a large impact on air pollution. For unbiased reviews and information for those in the market for a new electric bike. You can go to the link Tope-bikes.com for more exciting bikes with reasonable prices. Wondering why, at times, this type of bike is even better for transporting and riding from one point to another? We have already researched because we knew that you will be curious and eager first of all for some change, but after all for finding out why this way is better, so for that reason, we bring you 5 reasons that you can find out in the continuation of this article.

  1. Above all, it is an economical and ecological solution – when the world is already facing a shortage of clean air, we should act and change it in order to return the planet to the right path it was on before, and that is the path of healthy habits and a healthy living environment. Apart from the fact that with the help of this means of transport you can go really fast from destination A to destination B, you can also contribute to the reduction of pollution, which is a great step for you, for your loved ones, but also for the whole society, because we are all together in that problem.
  2. A practical and feasible solution that can take you anywhere – when it comes to practicality, we can say with confidence how much more the electric transport devices, and especially the electric bicycles, are more practical and feasible for going from one destination to another. An example of this is that you have to wait by car for all possible traffic lights, cross all busy streets and places and even be late, while with the speed offered by this device of electric drive intended for transport you can use the bike paths and get to wherever you need to go in time.
  3. You will not have worries and worries regarding parking – one of the biggest benefits, and maybe the main benefit of this type of transport is that you do not have any worries about parking. You will no longer need to worry if you have found a parking space, if you need to look for a parking space and if you have to pay to park because this solution is practical. You can take the bike with you everywhere, park it or leave it without having any worries of the same type as with the car, so it is good to look at the offer offered by e-shops like DYUCycle where you can Choose your new electric bike and transport quickly and easily without the hassle of parking to any destination.
  4. At some point it turns out that this bike gets to the destination faster – if we were to do a test to see who would get there faster, whether the car or the electric bike, we would come to the conclusion that the electric bike can be reached faster. Why? You do not have traffic lights with him, you should not drive on the street with him, you should not wait in the crowds, you should not be with many other cars and be careful who drives and so on. With it you have a fast transport that everyone wants for themselves in situations when they are in a hurry and when they want to get somewhere on time.
  5. Crowd with this bike is an unfamiliar term to you – crowded? Never more! Neither congestion during work hours nor congestion on Friday will be a more interesting topic for you because with this electric bike, apart from the fact that you can go quickly from destination A to destination B, you can and should travel along the bike routes, which means that you will not you have no contact with the crowd, and you would have that problem with the car literally every day, and especially you would have it as a problem in the morning and afternoon after work.

Do you like the benefits and advantages? Then do not wait and today move on to this ecological and economical solution that will make you more responsible in the eyes of others in every possible aspect, but also much more accessible, faster and more mobile in transportation.