How to Choose the Right Size Motorcycle Windshield: A Guide to Finding the Perfect Fit

Every motorcycle rider is well aware that riding a bike is far more than just sitting on it and going through an adventure. This experience is exhilarating but it can also be challenging, especially when you are exposed to the elements. Flying debris, wind, rain, and dust can all make the ride uncomfortable, and in some cases, they may even make it dangerous. One of the essential accessories for any rider is the windshield. This unit provides protection from all the elements and it will make the ride far more comfortable and ultimately safer. Choosing the right type and size of windscreen can be a challenging task since there are so many options you can go for. Use this guide to find the perfect fit and keep on reading to learn how to choose the right size motorcycle windshield for your specific needs.

Consider your riding style

The first thing that you need to think about when choosing the windscreen is your riding style. Every biker has a different riding style, so you need to think if you are if you are a rider that prefers a laid-back position or if you are a sport bike lover that wants to get into a more aggressive position. Your riding style will help you determine the size and shape of the screen that is right for your needs.

If you are a cruise rider, then a larger screen is going to be better for you. Cruisers typically have a more relaxed riding position and a larger windshield will provide better protection. If you are a sport bike rider, then you should opt for a smaller screen that is angled and will be more suitable for your needs. When you choose a sport windshield, you will get a better aerodynamic and you will improve the bike’s performance when you ride it at higher speeds.

If you want to get better protection then you should go with the cruiser, full, or half-size windshield, and if you’re interested in higher speeds, then the sport windscreen will be a better option for you. When exploring MotorcycleScreens you will see that there are a lot of options available, so no matter your riding style or preferences, you can easily find something that fits your desires.

Think about your height

Another factor that is crucial to consider when choosing a motorcycle windscreen is your height. Note that a screen that is too low will not provide adequate protection when it comes to wind and flying debris, and a screen that is too high for your needs may cause turbulence and make the right for us safer. If you want to determine the right height then you should sit on your bike in your normal riding position without trying to tweak it, and you should measure the distance from the top of your head to the top of the screen.

The general rule is that the top of the windshield should be at your line of sight or just below it. What this will do is provide proper wind protection without creating any type of buffeting or even turbulence. Riders that are taller or shorter than average should not be worried since they are a lot of custom-sized screens that will ensure the perfect fit. If you cannot find something that is already being mass-produced, then you can talk to your supplier and see if they order or create something that would be right for your exact height.

Determine the width of the screen

The width of the screen or the windshield is another important factor that you need to consider. If you are looking for something that will provide better wind protection, then you should opt for a wider screen, however, you should know that a wider model will create more drag and may reduce the performance of your motorcycle. On the other hand, a narrower screen will not provide as much protection from the element and it may be challenging when you drive in cold or wet conditions.

The easiest way to determine the right width for your specific meat and body type is to measure the distance between your hands when they are on the handlebar. The screen should be wider than this distance if you want to get adequate wind protection, however, it should not be so white that creates drag or reduces the bikes performance. If you’re not sure what to do, or how to do this, you can go to your preferred service or seller and ask them what they would recommend for the type of bike you have and the type of ride that you prefer.

Think about the material

Another thing that many riders forget to consider is the material of which the windshield is made. The most common materials that are used for these screens are acrylic and polycarbonate. In some cases, you may find shields that are made of tempered glass. Polycarbonate windshields are usually more durable and they’re going to be scratch resistant, while acrylic models are easier to replace and they are far more affordable.

When choosing the material, think of what you want to worry about the least, and if you are willing to have bigger initial investment and fewer worries in the future, or if you are ok with changing the screen when it gets scratched or slightly damaged. Think about the tint of the windscreen as well. The tinted models can reduce glare and improve visibility, especially if you are riding during daylight a lot. However, when it comes to heavily tinted models, they may reduce visibility at night or when is not enough sunlight during the day.

Don’t forget to consider the shape of the screen and know that the bike type, your personal preferences, as well as your budget will all help you determine what is the best way to go depending on your exact needs. Nowadays, there are a lot of options available for riders, so if this is your first time investing in a screen like this, it is better to consult with a professional that will help you determine the most important factors. A windshield can help you get a better experience and a far safer journey as long as you choose the right model for you.